I think STTComp has shown me what is the possibility, but believe me I don't trade frequently enough to have any idea how good or bad I am now.
Accuracy could easily fall to 40% on a few back to back losses haha. Sample size not large enough.
Average win is 24% on that account
Average loss is the risk I take 12%, I'll always abide the price stops on a trading account.
For now I'm fundamental focused, and more confident. But trading is still a great skill to have for a constant income stream, so I'm picking it up when time spares itself. Hopefully end of year I'll move into it full time.
Anyways boss while we're here never gave props to you; amongst the recent pullback we've truly seen 'feral index' rise. I've noticed you've remained completely focused on your own strategy and your own ability to make money and haven't engaged in any form of sniping on any poster, director or company - truly a sign of a profitable man.
I hope you continue making coin mate.
Unrelated news, XJO and DOW rallying on back of China sitting down for trade negotiations. Trump has pulled it off lol.
Theres a few other industries trump will be targeting over the MT with China I think - hollywood/film trade, social networks, and credit card payments.
Lets see, definitely looks a good step forward though.