Short Term Trading Easter Weekend Lounge 29 Mar - 3rd Apr, page-66

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 11
    Yesterday I was browsing and must have hit the wrong button. I wrote PSC while I was checking out the thread.

    While I am at it,  PSC will come out of a TH Tuesday/Wednesday. I added a PSC chart on the thread and mentioned the gap around 6 cts. which I think will be closed anytime soon.

    Previously I had PSC tipped twice but missed out on both occasion. I bought my first parcel in the 5's and added a few more on the way up, but did not sell the spike, added a bit more below 5 cts, so my average is around where it is trading now. Looking forward to announcement and hopefully we get a good outcome for all PSC holders. @gamefisherman , great post the other day and do you have an opinion about the PSC chart. Happy EASTER
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