XAO 0.70% 8,527.0 all ordinaries

Short Term Trading Week Starting: 19th Mar, page-95

  1. 482 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 11
    Yeah maybe,

    Usually sell % into anns on specs but stuffed this one up.

    Saw the CR for 3mil @ .005 up 100% on open, panicked thought open was over reaction sold whole lot for 1.1

    Price will retrace that's only natural, SP is a series of momentum waves but to what and when better minds than I.

    Not quite sure the comparo to TAR quite valid, market 'perceives' WFE to a degree a Canadian play with DRC potential not a pure DRC play. Think forum still underestimates the sovereign risk effect on investment flows into pure DRC plays.

    Talking about Canadian plays added some MEI today, (just as WFE was pushing thru 1.5 actually so might have been a tad emotional), I tend to group stocks in my mind and see MEI kinda sorta in same light as WFE.

    Good register (Tolga, although somewhat tarnished atm), good management (andrew tunks) and potentially brilliant ground. Only problem is rev timeline non existant at this stage, was more a play for quality on support in expectation of improving industry macros.
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