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Short Term Trading Week Starting: 9th Apr, page-179

  1. 277 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    I wish we could trade in trump tweet futures - I'd make a mint.

    My prediction for the week ahead:

    With all the trouble Trump's in with Stormy Daniels and the wider Mueller inquiry, there's great incentive on the President's part to take the heat off. Now with the chemical attack in Syria, Trump has a perfect (legitimate) option of launching some form of military strike on Assad. Normally this would be a no-brainer and the tomahawks would have well and truly been launched by now, but Russia's increased involvement with the situation makes a direct attack problematic. Now he needs a broader coalition (France, UK, Saudi) to go forward. Note the Russian UN ambassador telling Trump and his allies yesterday to stop whatever plans they have been forming regarding a strike on Syria. That said, I still think some type of limited air attack is likely in the next 7 days.

    Now my background is in politics so you economics nerds tell me how this is likely to impact markets. I guess gold is likely to keep going up? But that overall market confidence will be shaken further?
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