Meteoric Resources NL is an Australia-based rare earth exploration company. The Company...Meteoric Resources NL is an Australia-based rare earth exploration company. The Company is engaged in exploring mineral tenements in Brazil and Australia. The Company's projects include the Caldeira REE Project and other projects. The Caldeira REE Project comprises 51 licenses (23 mining licenses and 21 mining license applications), which is located in the Minas Gerais State of Brazil. In Australia, the Company also holds interests in projects, such as Webb Diamond JV and Warrego North IOCG Project. The Webb Diamond JV covers an area of about 400 square kilometers (km2) and is focused on the evaluation of a large kimberlite field comprising 280 bulls-eye magnetic targets. The Warrego North Project is located approximately 20 km northwest of the high-grade Warrego copper-gold mine, in the western part of the Tennant Creek Mineral Field.More